Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

Happy Christmas to all!

We got Emilia home for Christmas after an incredible first semester (Dean's List, Crew, singing witWhimaways, etc) at Choate. Her advisor writes us: To say that Emilia has hit the ground running at Choate would be a vast understatement; she has taken the place by storm! Whether in the dorm, in the classroom, in the boats, in the recital hall - or just hanging around campus - she has settled in smoothly and gracefully, so much so that I can't remember when Emilia was not a part of our lives! Her gentle and kind spirit, her sparkling good humor, her infectious HAPPINESS - those are the things that come to mind when I think of this fall with Emilia.

Espen had an exciting Christmas, getting Guitar Hero World Tour for his Playstation 3, and immediately taking on all comers in guitar, drums and vocals. The whole family has really enjoyed this gift!

Elise also received a terrific visit from Santa Claus, who left an American Girls doll - Elizabeth - behind.

Kirsten celebrated her 40th (yes) with a tremendous feast - Babette's Feast one could say - at our home, with food provided by Morten Fenger and his wife Rosie. She is looking forward to a new role in nursing in March.

Chris is already enjoying his new role at Vestas, learning lots about wind turbines and power plants - and seeing _less_ of airports and taxicabs.

As the cold and darkness descended this fall, Chris and Espen found a new sport they could play together - SQUASH. In Chris's case, this is a rediscovered sport (some 25 years since Williams!).

We're all looking forward to a happy and healthy 2009!


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