Wednesday, December 20, 2006

2006 Year in Review

Our first full calendar year in Denmark is coming to a close. Lots of highlights!

First, we got a cat, named Diego (think Ice Age sabre-tooth!). He is moody, though not so scary. In fact Elise thinks he's very cuddly and plays with him like a litter-mate. We all like him, even though we have never had a cat before.

Second, Kirsten has worked all year for the City Hospital (Commune Hospital) in Aarhus, in the Liver and Upper GI Department, and loves it. She is fully-certified and independent, and would be eligible to work anywhere in the Danish dominions (even Greenland!).

Third, I (Chris) have worked since February at SAP, the second largest software company in the world (after Microsoft). Business trips took him to Paris, Barcelona, Vienna, Johannesburg, Philadelphia, Helsinki, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Oslo, London (many times), Walldorf, Frankfurt and the Ukraine. I am not sure why certain place names in English must be preceded by the word "the" (e.g., Ukraine, Bronx, Crimea) -- but many of them are unpleasant. The Ukraine, at least the bit I saw, a depopulated jumble of slag heaps inhabited by leaden-eyed work gangs featuring 60 year old grannies shoveling gravel, may be the unpleasantest place I have ever been. Still using open hearth furnaces, Bessemer process long-since relegated to museums in the West. The major benefit of the trip was the incredible rush of happiness that I got to return to a free country afterwards -- something akin to Frodo returning from Mordor, I should say. Luckily most of the trips are far pleasanter, and the work and team-building has been a lot of fun, really.

Emilia has been exploring the world of books, and has started fencing, as well as continuing her singing. A few highlights included Coming Home by Rosamund Pilcher, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, Summer by Edith Wharton, and Dubliners by James Joyce. And of course hundreds of Fan Fiction tales in the JK Rowling tradition. It's a closely guarded secret, but she also has a BOYFRIEND!

Espen has been playing soccer and the guitar, as well as singing with his rock band. He continues to engage and entertain his friends and classmates, occasionally to the delight of his teachers. Both Espen and Emilia ride their bikes to school; Kirsten is also riding her bike pretty much every day, and I have been running regularly, so we've all been able to keep fit.

Elise is champing at the bit (figuratively!) to start school. Already conversant with numbers and letters, she asks us every day to teach her something new. In the new year, she will enter kindergarten, and first-grade can't be far behind.

We have settled into our little house along the beck, and even hosted a marten (think weasel, only cuter) for a few weeks. By this time of the year (December 21), there is very little daylight left, but the good news is that starting tomorrow, it gets lighter every day!


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