Monday, January 30, 2006

Emilia's Review

Hello again! My parents say that I have been neglecting the blog (which I have) so this is what has been happening...

First, we're moving on thursday, which is very exciting. Our 8 months of being nomads is over! Yeehaw! Although, I must admit, the house we are living in is really nice. I will miss the short walks to school, but I suppose living so close to the beach is nice.

My mom got a new job and she loves it. My dad is starting next week on the 6th. We might have Ole Ravn (you remember Mr. Raven?) again to babysit(although I'm hardly a baby anymore.) We hope he does.

School is going great for me. I am in 6c and everybody is really nice. Danish is fine and i can feel that I'm getting better and better at reading, writing, spelling and talking. My grammar is horrendous though. I'm a bit bored in math, and I completely zone out in English, but I enjoy the classes that are spent out of the classroom. Gym and carpentry are fun, but I like Home Ec the best.

I think this move is a great expirience, and I really enjoy the cultural change. I think it has taught me to keep in touch with friends like all of you.

We miss you!

With lots of love,
Emilia, Emilie, Mille or Emmy


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