Wednesday, December 26, 2007

2007 Year In Review

2007 has been a great year. Emilia and Dad got to visit Milan and Riomaggiore in March. Emilia made her Confirmation in May. The whole family got to Barcelona and Languedoc in July. Espen made a 10-day trek on the frost-covered Norwegian plateau in July. Elise and Dad took a trip to Chicago to see the Butters and Iowa to help baptize Baby Johnny.
In September, Emilia and Dad toured Boarding Schools in the Northeast and on the way visited Little Man Elliott in Philadelphia, Grandma and Grandpa in NYC (photo), Prof Kurt Tauber at Williams, and Cousin Ann in Connecticut.

Elise is in school and has been learning to read and write in two languages! (Photo w Elizabeth Butter in Chicago) She especially likes to play with Bratz (the dolls, not the sausage) and Pets. Her favorite game is Buzz! which she wins at constantly, though we're not sure how.

Espen has been lead singer in a rock band called Bat Out of Hell (see photo). They've played four gigs already. He also plays guitar and got an electric guitar for Christmas (very cool).

Emilia made her confirmation this year (see photo), and has been singing and acting. She has applied to Boarding School in the US for Fall 2008. She scored in the 87th percentile on the SSAT - I mean Sorting Hat - so she's hoping for Gryffindor.

Kirsten loves her work in the Liver Dept at Hospital.

Chris has worked for SAP, traveling extensively, through the end of October when he started a 6-month Sabbatical, which he is enjoying immensely. Still working on that novel. (photo with Kurt Tauber in Williamstown)

Chris and Kis went a few rounds in the Sumo ring this year, but are emerging unscathed, and are looking forward to an even more exciting 2008!


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