Saturday, November 15, 2008

Autumnal Changes

Lots of news this autumn - Emilia started Choate in September. Mom brought her over, and within weeks Emilia had started rowing crew 5x/week, and singing in two a cappella groups including the prestigious all-girls Whimaways. Dad and Espen visited for Parents Weekend - joined by Grandma and Grandpa, and met by Patricia Mooney and Gus Haracopos.

Emilia's latest: I got my solo - "We Belong" by Pat Benatar. Hope to see your version soon on YouTube!

Espen was excited to see Choate, and is starting to make his own plans. Meanwhile, he's playing soccer (outdoor and indoor), active with Scouts, and has taken up squash with Dad. Espen especially likes Horror - The Ring, The Shining, and The Night Stalker are recent favorites. He also loves Hitchcock, especially Rear Window - though he must be the first person to ever literally fall asleep in the middle of Psycho.

Elise loves First Grade and is busy learning to read and write in two languages! Right now we are reading about Josephina, an American Girl from the 1820s. Elise loves Audrey Hepburn movies - Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany's were bit hits this week.

Kirsten has decided - after 3 years in Liver and Upper GI - to take a 6 month rotation and focus on Cardiac Nursing, starting in February.

Chris will leave SAP as of 30 November and join Vestas Wind Systems as Chief Strategist. His role will be to organize the development of the Annual Strategy (product/market strategy), and follow up on the approximately 60 projects per year that come out of that - globally, across all divisions. Dream Job for him, or so it would appear. His new office is nine minutes from home!


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