Saturday, November 26, 2005


National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is coming to a close, and thousands of budding novelists are readying to type - finally - The End. Earlier this year, I read "No Plot No Problem" and became enchanted with the idea of writing a novel (defined as 50,000 words, which s roughly 175 pages) in a month.

It has been a blast writing, and I heartily recommend the experience for anyone who has said to themselves that they would like to write a novel "someday."

My novel concerns the trials and tribulations of Katrina and Richard, a couple who moves from the US to Denmark and buys a house in one of Copenhagen's swankiest districts, only to find that strange things start happening in the house almost as soon as they move in. The story is narrated by 7 different characters, so we get ample opportunity to see the Haunting from various points of view. Each of the characters has his or her own theory of what's "really" going on - and I'm not telling!



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