Thursday, March 20, 2008

Q1 2008 UPDATE

Chris has been on sabbatical since November 1, and enjoying spending time with family, traveling and noveling.
January - Chris and Elise went to New York, visited Grandma and Grandpa, took in The Lion King on Broadway, and visited American Girls Place in Manhattan, adopted "Julie" a lovely girl from San Francisco in the 1970s.
February - Whole family went skiing in Breckenridge and Vail -- terrific snow! Held brunch at Loews for lots of friends, great to see everyone.

Chris and Espen went to Newcastle to see Manchester United crush the locals 5-1, visited Fraser Birrell (friend from Cambridge who is, like Espen, a big Manchester United supporter), Zoë (not pictured), Niamh and Finn.
March - Emilia received acceptances from three schools: Phillips Exeter (NH), Choate Rosemary Hall (CT - pictured), and Lawrenceville (NJ). Trip to all 3 schools in April will help her decide where to go in September. Emilia not available to comment, as she is now off in Paris with her French class. (Ah, the responsibilities of a 14-year-old...)
Chris and Kirsten went to Rømø, an island off the west coast of Denmark, snug up against Germany. Spent 3 days on the widest beaches in the world, stayed at Roemoe Golf and Wellness (but didn't touch a golf club).