Friday, August 05, 2005

August 5 Post

We are on vacation here in Denmark until the 10th when Emilia and Espen start school in Risskov, just north of Århus, which is the 2nd largest city in Denmark (about 2 hours, and 2 islands, west of Copenhagen). We have rented a house in Riskov that is a short walk to the beach and a short walk to the forest, so we hope to have lots of visitors!
We went to Tivoli this week (the world's oldest amusement park), and got to see a lot of movies - Batman Begins was FANTASTIC, by far the best. Fantastic 4, Racing Stripes and Bølle Bob (don't ask) were also in the running.
PLEASE feel free to post back to us on this blog - be the first! be the first on your block!


Blogger Former Chairman said...

Emilia read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince the day it came out -- in SIX hours. I saw her do it. Dad took, well, a little longer, but got through it too... We know who R.A.B. is, in case anyone is following that. Would also be happy to discuss horcruxes by email. Oh, I also think I know where Rowling got the name for Salazar Slitherin, came across it in some research I was doing on witchcraft... Chris

3:16 PM  

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