Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Photo above shows me and Kirsten along with our friends Viggo Hartz (from Camp Rising Sun) and his wife Hanne. We have all been very busy in our first month in Denmark. I have been writing a novel. I am 30,000 words into it. Since the typical novel is about 50,000 words, I figure I'm at least halfway there.

The weather has been very unseasonal for Denmark, that is, it has been great! Warm and sunny almost every day. Lots of time spent at the beach.

We have been splitting our time among Copenhagen, Aarhus and Fjelstrup (Kirsten's family-place). We looked for houses to buy, but settled on renting in Risskov, just north of Aarhus. We are renting from a business school professor who will be taking his family to San Francisco for 6 months. Emilia and Espen will go immediately in to Risskov School, which is a great advantage. The house is also in walking distance to the beach and the forest, and about 3 kilometers from the center of town!


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